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Fabrication of WO3 Quantum Dots with Different Emitting Colors and Th…

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논문명 Fabrication of WO3 Quantum Dots with Different Emitting Colors and Their Utilization in Luminescent Woods
저자 Kwang Hyun Park, Nam Chul Kim, Sung Ho Song
저널명 Nanomaterials
게재년월 2024/5/27
Vol. pp

With a rising interest in smart windows and optical displays, the utilization of metal oxides (MOs) has garnered significant attention owing to their high active sites, flexibility, and tunable electronic and optical properties. Despite these advantages, achieving precise tuning of optical properties in MOs-based quantum dots and their mass production remains a challenge. In this study, we present an easily scalable approach to generate WO3 quantum dots with diverse sizes through sequential insertion/exfoliation processes in solvents with suitable surface tension. Additionally, we utilized the prepared WO3 quantum dots in the fabrication of luminescent transparent wood via an impregnation process. These quantum dots manifested three distinct emitting colors: red, green, and blue. Through characterizations of the structural and optical properties of the WO3 quantum dots, we verified that quantum dots with sizes around 30 nm, 50 nm, and 70 nm showcase a monoclinic crystal structure with oxygen-related defect sites. Notably, as the size of the WO3 quantum dots decreased, the maximum emitting peak underwent a blue shift, with peaks observed at 407 nm (blue), 493 nm (green), and 676 nm (red) under excitation by a He-Cd laser (310 nm), respectively. Transparent woods infused with various WO3 quantum dots exhibited luminescence in blue/white emitting colors. These results suggest substantial potential in diverse applications, such as building materials and optoelectronics.