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Primary hepatocyte imaging by multiphoton luminescent graphene quantum…

페이지 정보


논문명 Primary hepatocyte imaging by multiphoton luminescent graphene quantum dots
저자 Sung Ho Song, Min-Ho Jang, Jong-Min Jeong, Hyewon Yoon, Yong-Hoon Cho, Won-Il Jeong, Bo-Hyun Kim, Seokwoo Jeon
저널명 Chemical Communications
게재년월 2015
Vol. pp 51권 38호 페이지 8041-8043

Water soluble GQDs were systematically characterized as a multiphoton fluorophore and a cell imaging probe. When mouse primary hepatocytes were incubated with GQDs, no significant cytotoxicity was observed up to the treatment concentration of 100 μg ml−1. Using these GQDs, mouse primary hepatocytes were successfully imaged by multiphoton fluorescence.