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Multiphoton luminescent graphene quantum dots for in vivo tracking of …

페이지 정보


논문명 Multiphoton luminescent graphene quantum dots for in vivo tracking of human adipose-derived stem cells
저자 Jin Kim+, Sung Ho Song+, Yoonhee Jin, Hyun-Ji Park, Hyewon Yoon, Seokwoo Jeon, Seung-Woo Cho
저널명 Nanoscale
게재년월 2016
Vol. pp 8권 페이지 8512-8519

The applicability of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) for the in vitro and in vivo live imaging and tracking of different types of human stem cells is investigated. GQDs synthesized by the modified graphite intercalated compound method show efficient cellular uptake with improved biocompatibility and highly sensitive optical properties, indicating their feasibility as a bio-imaging probe for stem cell therapy.